Assortment of collected envelopes featuring different patterns

Some of my experimental illustrations below, featuring envelope pattern detail on the
coffee pot and cup & saucer. With these I've scanned in the envelopes and
changed the colour to suit the artwork.

Below are some examples of experimenting with the Gocco printer by printing
directly onto the envelopes.

There is surprisingly quite an array of different patterns, textures and colours to be found on the inside of envelopes - and I always love opening an envelope to find a new pattern waiting patiently to be discovered on the inside. (It actually makes opening bills a bit more interesting). Mr B know's never to throw away an envelope before I've given it the once over!
The patterns on the envelopes remind me of Japanese patterns with their miniature scale, perfect repetition and symmetry. I use the envelopes for collages, printing with lino prints or gocco prints, and for experimental sketches and illustrations - I've included a few examples above.
So next time you get a boring bill through the post, remember to look inside the envelope to see what patterns you might find.